Our Backyard


During my pregnancy, a handful of people advised that we’d need to start planning to leave the city so the baby could “have a backyard.” When this happened, I found it difficult to defend my “NYC for Life” position, especially since the person on the other end of the conversation was inevitably committed to life as a suburbanite. I certainly understand that, though city living is for us, it for sure isn’t for everyone. And despite what the t-shirt says (and though we certainly do), not everyone “Hearts NY”. Anyway, my point is: this is not a “My town is better than yours” post — it is a “my town is better for us” post. And who knows. Maybe someday we will end up in suburbia and have a big ol’ backyard of our own. But for now, we’re hoping Georgia Grace will find the city to be a suitable playground… we certainly do.