BTS Fashion Show: Second Grade Edition

Our annual back-to-school fashion show was an absolute success! I played “fashion show” music (I googled and YouTube delivered) and Gigi strutted her stuff. We had a blast and she LOVED her clothes.

Such a sweetie. She is all about the accessories this fall and ADORES her new headband!


I am so fortunate to work right in the middle of our sweet Tribeca neighborhood. Today, Karina sent me a text/picture to let me know she and the girls were at Pier 25. I looked out the window of my 30th floor office and could just barely identify Gigi on the climbing structure. I checked my calendar, took the elevator down, and grabbed cake pops at the Starbucks in my building lobby. About three minutes later, I was with my girls. I got some snuggles, pushed Gigi on the swing, and was back in my office in time for my next meeting. I have so much gratitude for the efficiency of my life here and the flexibility my work affords. The convenience of it all just results in me spending more time — good, quality time — with my family, and I just feel so lucky and grateful for that.

Text from Karina

Music Box

Gigi is such a special little girl. She has so much gratitude and appreciation for small things. So when I found this special little music box, I just knew she would love it. I ended up giving it to her after we got home from vacation (I didn’t want to travel with it), and she was delighted. She twisted the knob on the back and watched the little figurine twirl around and around while the music played. I could sit and watch her forever. My sweet seven year-old. Happy Birthday, my little love.

EEW: Nine-month Appointment

Our baby girl is growing so fast! It is hard to believe she’s nine months old. I still just feel so lucky to have her — in a “pinch me” sort of way — and suppose I always will. We worked so hard to get you here, Eloise, and are just so grateful you finally came.

Our sweet girl is THRIVING! She is 95th percentile overall and 97th percentile and 92nd percentile in height and weight respectively.

Developmentally she’s got so many tricks up her sleeve! Eloise babbles nonstop and says “Gigi”, “Dada,” and “Mama.” Her face lights up when she sees any of us (especially Gigi!) and she is generous with her smiles. She giggles all the time and her laughs are so infectious. She also has a fun little sniffing trick in which she mimics us when we sniffle. I’ll have to post that on here so I never ever forget it — we just love it.

She is sitting up all by herself and crawling all over the place. If we spot her, she will gladly stand against the couch and play with her toys.

She’s eating loads of purées and starting to drink less milk. She doesn’t seem to have the patience for breastfeeding anymore, but will snuggle and feed with me when she’s sleepy and distractions are minimal.

Oh! And she points (she loved pointing at ceiling fans in Longboat Key) and just LOVES clapping. She has also started to wave hello to me when I first walk into a room and it just blows me away — I haven’t once tried to teach it to her, so either someone else has or she’s just picked up on it??? Babies (mine especially!) are amazing 🙂

I love you, Eloise Elizabeth!

Lazy Sunday

We partied HARD for Gigi’s birthday yesterday, so today, we kept things simple. To start, Gigi and I slept until 11am! From there, we played with Eloise a bit and then hit the beach as a family.

At Eloise’s nap time, Gigi and I took showers and then dried off while reading our books and listening to a summer rain shower. When Eloise woke, we went out for dinner. It was a positively perfect day.

Happy 7th Birthday, Gigi!

Happiest of birthdays to our smart, kind, caring, strong, loving, beautiful girl who made us parents, our sweet Georgia Grace. We are so proud of who she has become so far and can’t wait to see what’s in store for her sure to be bright future. She loves reading, playing, singing, dancing, and above all, loves her family. She can read a chapter book end to end in under an hour and swims like a fish (her form is truly flawless). It is a joy to watch her find joy in the things she loves. On TV, she’s watching Bluey and The Descendants and we listen to The Descendants soundtrack on repeat with a little bit of Taylor Swift sprinkled in.

The day started quietly. Gigi slept in while Dave and I eagerly waited for her to wake. When we couldn’t stand it any longer, we woke her and invited us to join us downstairs.

Let’s do this!

She loved and appreciated the decorations, and was especially excited we incorporated the confetti (Funfetti, she called it!) into the decor. We went with a unicorn theme, complete with a sprinkle-filled unicorn cake!

Eloise was such a good baby sister all day. So chill and happy to be there for her awesome big sis!

After presents, we continued our ‘birthday cake for breakfast’ tradition! We sang (twice — Gigi fussed at us because we left the lights on the first time), Gigi made her wish, and blew out her candles.

After cake, Gigi played while Eloise napped. When Eloise woke, we went to lunch at Venezia in St. Armand’s circle. We came home for another nap, and after that, we went to Sky Zone.

Gigi and I jumped and she climbed the rock wall. We also did a zip line that was pretty high and fast. Gigi was scared but she did it! I’m super proud of her.

When wwe got home, we played and had some dinner (Gigi specifically requested macaroni and cheese for her birthday dinner). Then, we headed to the beach for a birthday night swim.

After the beach, we got ready and went out for ice cream. Gigi got two scoops: Reese’s peanut butter cup and chocolate—chocolate was by far her favorite!

Here We Go!

Family of four vacation #2 is underway! The flight went great and both girls were absolute angels the entire time. Even better, no one vomited! We flew in to Sarasota and drove about 20 minutes to Longboat Key. It couldn’t be more beautiful here — we’re so lucky it will be our home for the next two weeks!