NHL All-Star Weekend

We had a blast! Georgia Grace really took in the local culture: she ate Cuban food at Columbia Cafe, played with (fake) alligators at the park, and ate Mickey Mouse pancakes. Sadly, I spent more of the weekend working than I expected. But, Dave and G had plenty of bonding time, and on the last day, we all got to attend the All-Star game together. Not surprisingly, both Georgia Grace and Dave were a big hit with my clients (and my competitors, too!). Her two biggest fans were my boss’s daughter and niece. Anthony’s daughter, Olivia, and her cousin, Bella, adored Gigi, and Gigi adored them right back!

Real-life Heroes Don’t Wear Capes…

…they wear black tees and jeans and take your 17-month old baby grocery shopping while you spend the day sleeping.

I HATE admitting this, but, I have been sick on three separate occasions — with three different illnesses — since December 24. I miss my energy and health so much that I’m truly not handling this well. But you know who is? This guy:

Not only has he carried my weight in terms of parenting (among other things), he’s done it with a smile on his face, and has kept our daughter happy in the process. To say I appreciate it is quite the understatement. So, here’s to you, Dave Welch. Thank you for everything. Let this post serve as my public declaration of an IOU. Go ahead and start planning your guys’ night out (but you should probably wait until I’m better to set the date:)).

Conference Call

I try very hard to “be present” when I’m with G. Generally, that means no texting, calling, emailing, working, etc. But on Tuesday night, I didn’t have a choice: Dave had to work late, and I had a call at 7pm. So I gave G a pad and a green crayon, and hoped for the best. Wouldn’t you know my little angel baby spent the next 30 minutes as content as could be, crawling back and forth (chasing the notepad as it slid along the floor) coloring away. She is my everything. What a sweet girl. Check it out… she is SO. BUSY!

Visit Daddy at Work Day!

Working for a bank means I have off work on all bank holidays. That means I’m out of the office for MLK, President’s, Memorial, 4th, Labor, Columbus, Veteran’s, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s (and I’m pretty sure I’m leaving one out). Dave, on the other hand, doesn’t have quite as much time away from the office. As a result, G and I decided it was up to us to bring MLK, Jr. Day to her daddy this year. So we packed up her things, and ventured up to his office. When we arrived, Georgia Grace couldn’t believe it. She was so excited to see Dave and to have a fun, new place to explore. She quickly made herself right at home, and we had such a fun time visiting. Oh, and the feet-on-the-desk thing? Not one bit staged — that was all G’s doing.