Birthday Window Shopping

What a privileged and indulgent concept… birthday window shopping! We stopped by our favorite little toy store in the city, Kidding Around, to take a peek at all the wonderful things. Gigi was so good, she didn’t ask for anything until we got to the end… she saw a little pair of baby booties and asked if we could get them for her sister.

Performance Day!

Chelsea Piers hosted a big show featuring all the campers who have been working so hard to learn to skate this summer. There were several performances, and Gigi’s group, the green group, skated a choreographed dance to the song “Danger Zone” from Top Gun. She did such a great job and didn’t slip or trip once! We are so proud of our brave and hardworking girl.

Finishing pose!

Performance Day!

Chelsea Piers hosted a big show featuring all the campers who have been working so hard to learn to skate this summer. There were several performances, and Gigi’s group, the green group, skated a choreographed dance to the song “Danger Zone” from Top Gun. She did such a great job and didn’t slip or trip once! We are so proud of our brave and hardworking girl.

Finishing pose!

Ice Skating Camp

Testing out her skates!

Gigi started ice skating camp today! She had never been on skates (of any sort!) in her life, and she bravely asked me if she could participate in ice skating camp this summer. We signed her up for two weeks, and her first day was a complete success! She skated (“marched” she called it), and her instructors said she did a phenomenal job. At pick up, we celebrated with ice cream.

The “Last Little” Standing


I arrived early to Gigi’s gymnastics summer camp for pick up, and was able to watch a game of “Simon says” involving all of the camp participants — including both big and little kids. It was so much fun to watch G’s instructor, Coach Donna, call out the different commands. Many of them I did not know at all (like “Banana!”). Gigi was one of the last few children standing, and when she finally got called out, Coach Donna had all the campers clap for Gigi because she was the last little standing amongst just a few other big kids. So proud of our little love.

Tiny Dancer

Georgia Grace has always, always loved to dance. And for her, dancing has always been packed with emotion and feeling. She’s very expressive, especially when she’s dancing to songs she loves. In this particular instance, we were listening to the My Little Pony soundtrack (while doing math and enjoying a ‘special’ dessert — salted caramel ice cream with a caramel macaroon and whipped cream — and she jumped out of her chair and began dancing when “Open Up Your Eyes” started playing.

Dance Camp – Week 2

Gigi just loved her time at dance camp! She loved her instructors, made some new friends, enjoyed the activities, and had a blast learning new dances and routines! At the end of the week, all the groups performed several choreographed dances. This week’s theme was ‘disco’, and Gigi’s group performed several numbers in jazz, hip hop, and lyrical. Dave and I had a blast watching her — she just loves dance and performing.

Big exit! Always so proud to see her parents.
Our invitation, with a personalized note. “I love you Mama and Dady”

Holiday Weekend Staycation

For the first time in a long time, I have started feeling good enough to “do things.” So, when the holiday weekend rolled around and we didn’t have anything planned, we decided to spend the weekend at our happy place, Soho House. We swam, ate breakfast, and played card games on the roof, and then enjoyed a fun dinner followed by gelato in the park. Gigi also took TWO bubble baths! It was such a blast but I didn’t seem to capture many pics. Hopefully Dave can share a few more…

We got lots of rooftop snuggles (our favorite)

Rooftop Fireworks!

On the Fourth of July, we headed to our roof to see what we could see, and we were not disappointed! We were able to see the main display (the Macy’s show on the East River) as well as fireworks all around the city — in Brooklyn and New Jersey, too! We were joined by several neighbors, but Gigi had the best seat in the house… on her Dada’s shoulders!

It was late and G was so excited for the opportunity to stay up late. She wore her “nightingown” to the roof and we went to bed as soon as we got back downstairs. She was very proud to be the youngest person on the roof.