
Nothing in the world makes this little girl happier: 

Times Like These

It’s 939am EST. At 804am – 95 minutes ago – I found out I needed to be in LA for a 3pm PST meeting TODAY. I’m on the plane now and we depart in 21 minutes. It’s times like these that it really pains me to leave Dave and G. It makes me grateful that she woke me to snuggle any eat last night. That probably sounds ridiculous – I’m typing this from seat 1A with a mimosa right beside me – but it’s true. I’d much rather be at 121 Reade with Dave and Gigi. But I do love my work and I’m proud to set an example for G. And I’m going to hurry home to her: as soon as my meeting is over, I’m going right back to the airport. In the meantime, I’m going to try to make this work:

I love you guys and can’t wait to see you in the morning. 

Ps – shout-out to Dave for helping pack my breast pump. He’s the stuff fairy tale Prince Charmings are made of. 

11 Months! 

I have no idea how we got here so quickly. Our sweet Georgia Grace is a babbling, pointing, crawling, cruising, smiling, (still) teething joy of a baby. She loves breastfeeding, reading, and peek-a-boo. She’s starting to get a little more into food. She consistently loves bananas, strawberries, blueberries, fish, and oatmeal. She’s a big fan of Bob Marley’s “One Love,” and thoroughly enjoys when we sing “Wheels on the Bus.” Bathtime is a LOT more challenging now that she’s standing, but she still seems to love the water. She enjoys her walker and will take it up and down the hallways of our building when she’s in the right mood. She knows her mama and her dada, can easily say the former, and tries to say the latter. She’s learning nouns (bunny, baby, nose, lips, Jesus (I’m not kidding), and turtle. And if you need a distraction, look no further than  a mirror or the inside of the refrigerator.