Easter 2022

This holiday was a tough one for me… I was beyond ill with what’s typically referred to as “morning sickness” (though I would argue 24/7 sickness would have been far more appropriate in my case). In short, I was truly unable to do anything at all to make Easter special for our family. Fortunately, the Easter Bunny had planned ahead, so at the very least, Gigi was greeted by special chocolates, Easter-themed books and pajamas, and a special Ariel doll that changes colors in water. Dave helped Gigi find her Easter basket and then guided Gigi on her egg hunt. I enjoyed the moment from the couch, and then immediately returned to bed. Looking back on it, all I can think is that I have so much gratitude for Dave making Gigi’s Easter as special as it could possibly have been (and also for feeling healthy and like myself again).

So Mad

This is face of a girl who is super mad at me because I made her Mac n Cheese and cantaloupe but wouldn’t let her have whipped cream with the cantaloupe.