MLB Spring Training

The Washington Nationals and Houston Astros just built a beautiful $300 million-plus spring training facility in my old post-undergrad stomping grounds in West Palm Beach. So, this year, as you might expect, the League decided to show it off for their annual spring training meeting, which normally takes place in Arizona. I jumped at the chance to go back, and asked Dave and Gigi to meet me. Although the visit was lightning-fast, it was just the break we needed. We were able to escape the cold, enjoy some sun, and introduce our baby to the beach.

Seven Months

Between the pain from teething and the excitement that comes along with a lace-trimmed shirt, Gigi had a lot on her mind and wasn’t too concerned with posing for today’s photo shoot! 😉

Seven months into this whole world thing, our Georgia Grace continues to be curious, happy, and sweet as could be. She loves bath time and splashing, books and reading, breastfeeding, playing on her mat with Daddy, toys that light up, and standing (with a little help from Mama or Daddy). Her favorite foods so far are peas, avocado, bananas, and oatmeal. She likes to play silly sound games in which we mimic one another (“Abwah,” “Bob,” and “Bop.”), and especially loves games where Mama disappears and reappears when Daddy calls her.
Dislikes include bundling up to go outside and sunshine in her eyes. Sleeping a full 12 hours through the night continues to be a bit of an issue, but we’re being patient with our sweet girl. After all, her father is a night owl himself… maybe he’s the reason she likes to party all night! 


Today we met our friends Tiffany and Dave for brunch at Sarabeth’s, and Gigi finally met her friend, Maisie! Maisie is 17 months old and absolutely precious. It was so much fun taking a peek into the future to see what Georgia Grace will be up to in ten months or so. We don’t see Tiff and Dave enough — hopefully our girls will help us make sure it happens on a more regular basis! 

Saturday Outing

Today, we enjoyed a fun-filled family outing to the United States Post Office, where we waited in line 90 minutes for Gigi’s passport. She is such an awesome baby, she handled it much better than her mama who cringed at every sneeze, cough, and sniffle from the people standing in line. We will be honest: it wasn’t her best photo to date. But in her defense, the only way to get a 6-month-old baby’s passport photo taken is to Lion King her ass up in the air against the wall, while some stranger awkwardly snaps away. Official passport photo to follow in about 4-6 weeks.