Sous Chef

She insists she’s not the chef — she says I am the chef and she is the sous chef. It is amazing how much my little girl loves her mommy. Tonight, she told me she thinks I’ll be a chef someday. She said, “One day, when you’re a chef, you’re going to say, ‘My daughter was right! I’m a chef, and I didn’t ever think I could be one!’”

Kids’ Picnic Table

She’s been waiting for this moment all summer! Gigi has been asking to have ice cream and sit at the kids’ picnic table for weeks. Today, her time came. She got chocolate ice cream with chocolate chips and peanut butter cups, and took her seat. She directed me to sit on the bench behind the tables (“the picnic tables are only for kids”).

The thumbs up seems to be her go-to move these days.


Today, Gigi started camp at Avenues, where she’ll start kindergarten in just a few weeks. It felt like such a big day that we decided to have dinner at Serafina (her latest favorite — because it’s close to our old apartment) to celebrate. At dinner, she asked me to tie a napkin around her waist and she went around the table taking orders. Dave’s ordering and she’s writing the words phonetically (so far, she’s got ‘beer’ and ‘toona’).