
Yaya left early Saturday morning to save us seats at Soho House. Gigi woke up on her own time, she had breakfast, and we hopped on the “choo choo train” to go to the pool. We had a sweet morning together… She really, really likes to hold my hand, and I absolutely love it. Ps – she thinks she is smiling in the first picture.


Gigi has been looking forward to this moment all week! Every morning when she wakes up, I ask her, “Georgia Grace, do you know who’s coming to play with you today?” Normally, she says “Yanya” (which is her name for “Chandra”. But this week, every morning without fail, G has to excitedly answered, “ASHEE!!!” Well, Gigi, your moment has arrived. These two played family and now mama and Yaya are off to dinner. Sweet dreams, Georgia Grace!

Miss Manners

Seconds before this photo was taken tonight, our sweet 21-month old Miss Georgia Grace said “Thank you” to her mama — with no instruction from her parents — for her yogurt. I am so pleased that our sweet girl already knows how and when to say her pleases and thank yous. I was raised to have a grateful heart, and I’m so glad my little girl has one, too.

Miss Manners

Seconds before this photo was taken tonight, our sweet 21-month old Miss Georgia Grace said “Thank you” to her mama — with no instruction from her parents — for her yogurt. I am so pleased that our sweet girl already knows how and when to say her pleases and thank yous. I was raised to have a grateful heart, and I’m so glad my little girl has one, too.