
My Birthday

On my birthday, after a late night and with a flight to catch that day, GG woke up at 6 am. I brought her into bed with me, pretended to be alseep, and hoped she would go back to sleep. She slept for almost 2 more hours. And so did I.  My idea of a great birthday present has definitely changed.  

Happy First Father’s Day, Daddy! 

Dave is the best partner I could’ve possibly dreamed of having on Team Gigi. He is such a wonderful father to her, but also a very committed partner in all things parenting… make no mistake about it: with the exception of breastfeeding, there are no gender roles when it comes to raising our baby girl. Dave is ready, willing, and able to roll up his sleeves and do anything and everything I do. And I am so grateful for it. Gigi was so excited about the card she got her Daddy, that she wouldn’t really let him read/hold/touch it, and instead chose to chew on it. Awesome, huh? 

We didn’t celebrate the way we intended, but we still had a wonderful day together. We took a walk. We got coffee and went out for lunch. We sat at a bar and fed Gigi her first pancake. And it was probably one of the most fulfilling days of my life, no special plans required. I hope Dave feels the same way. 

Ten Months! 

Georgia Grace is ten months old! She continues to grow like a champion (still holding strong in that 93rd percentile for height, hovering around 40th percentile in weight), and is seemingly growing more and more into her personality every day. She’s sweet, but she’s definitely feisty, and happy to express her opinions. It’s funny — just yesterday I reminded Dave a doctor labeled Gigi “intrepid” just a month or so into life… I’m not sure how he recognized it so early, but he was absolutely right. If I had to choose one word for her, intrepid would be it. Gigi is very calculated and smart, and does not fear. She cruises from one end of the sofa to the other, and then darts her eyes from ottoman to sofa and back before taking her leap of faith. She’s crawling faster and faster, and it’s getting hard for us to keep up. She’s good at using her walker, but our tiny New York apartment doesn’t give her much room to roam so she bumps into walls a lot! 

She prefers standing to sitting, sitting to laying, being awake to being asleep, and moving to being still. Only recently though, she has started cuddling and resting her head on our shoulders when she is very tired… and. we. love. it. 🙂

G is still teething like crazy – she has SIX perfectly visible teeth – but she’s putting those teeth to work. She is starting to do really well feeding herself, and seems to prefer fish as a source of protein (not so much eggs and chicken). Oatmeal, bananas, and berries still rank her favorites, but we did try a pancake yesterday. Unsurprisingly, she was into it (I mean, who doesn’t love a good pancake?). And water. She loves water for drinking, swimming, and bathing alike. 

Dave and I remain obsessed with her, and live for our weekends as a family of three. Now that it’s summertime, we’re taking G out a lot more, on walks around the city and to our favorite local spots. We’re having such a blast watching her grow and grow up. We love you, Georgia Grace!