Halloween 2023!

This year, we leaned into Gigi’s obsession with The Descendants. Gigi dressed as Mal, Dave was Mal’s father, Hades, I was Fairy Godmother, and sweet Eloise was a happy little pumpkin (Gigi’s costume from when she was 1!).

Eloise did a lot of pointing that day!

We trick-or-treated in the neighborhood and then headed back to our building for more!

Harvest Moon 2023

With two children who are prone to carsickness, the ride there was less than ideal, but once we made it, we had a blast. Because the girls get sick in the car, we rode there on empty stomachs. So, as soon as we arrived, we grabbed food and listened to the bluegrass band.

The Ride From Hell.

From there, we picked up some hot apple cider and headed for the orchards! Gigi and Dave climbed the trees while Eloise and I stayed on the ground and she tried her first apple (I let her lick it and she was HOOKED!).

It was stunningly beautiful and just the slightest bit chilly. At the end of the day, Gigi and I hit the pumpkin patch and Gigi found the perfect pumpkin. With my strong encouragement, while we were there, Dave waited in line for hot apple cider doughnuts. I literally ate three of them on the car ride home. I laugh out loud thinking about it… but they were really THAT good.

Pure joy!

It’s such a perfect day, if we could just get around the carsick thing. Maybe a helicopter in 2024?