Just found this in my phone

This might already be in here but I didn’t want to lose it…

Interesting technique for learning to walk

Barf Baby

I’m not excited to admit it, but it’s time for me to accept it: my kid gets motion sickness. As always, she did SO GREAT on the flight, and then, for the first time ever, Gigi barfed all over herself and me during the landing. It was really, really gross. To the point that I took my shirt off on the plane, and rocked a bra and a jean jacket the remainder of the flight. When we got off the plane, this is what the good people of Miami got: a smelly, naked, but very happy, dancing baby.

Grandmother’s House

We spent the weekend with Gigi’s Ganny (or “Anny”, as Gigi calls her), Great Uncle Mike (or “Maiiike”), and Grandmother (also known as “Emmy” and “Buggy,” according to G. We celebrated Great Ganny’s birthday, Great Uncle Mike’s Birthday, and Easter — Gigi loved her adorable monogrammed backpack filled with goodies!! It rained like the devil, as Ganny would say, the majority of the weekend. But before we left, we were blessed with a perfectly gorgeous day. We took advantage and let Georgia Grace run until she was exhausted!