Best Friends

I live for the days I’m able to pick up Gigi from camp. Today, I took Gigi for ice cream, and then she kept me company at the gym. I adore her and am so grateful for our time together.

Summer Friends

This summer, we met friends at Soho House who happen to live on the block next to ours! Gigi made fast friends with the two little girls, Lily and Josie. They live in Toronto most of the year but come back to New York for holidays and the summer. We made the most of our time together and can’t wait to see them again soon!

Scavenger Hunt!

We promised Gigi one early birthday present this year, and we sent her on a scavenger hunt to find it. Her clues took her all over the apartment until she arrived at her gift; her first ever ‘real’ suitcase which also happened to be American Girl-themed! It was love at first sight.

There also happened to be a note inside revealing that we’d be taking a family trip to celebrate her birthday in Longboat Key!